Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Children's Taekwon-Do Class in Centurion

Our Taekwon-Do Children's classes have started in Centurion .... here are some of our first children starting to attend and enjoy their classes.

Our parents say the greatest benefits they are seeing from the training is:
  • Increased Confidence
  • Increase in Focus and Concentration
  • Better Grades at School
  • Improved Self-Control
  • Physical Fitness

Congratulations Maishe!

Congratulations to Maishe for achieving your Taekwon-Do Yellow Belt!

Maishe recently joined our Centurion Dojang and loves training with Sabum Nim Vladimir Grachev on Saturday mornings :)

Congratulations Shael!

Congratulations to Shael for achieving his Taekwon-Do Yellow-Belt!

Shael started his training a few months ago and trains from our Centurion Dojang .... isn't it just great to see children take their first steps!