Sunday, 29 January 2012

Why Martial Arts?

I just love the versatility of Martial Arts and I am always amazed by the many different reasons why we are attracted to Martial Arts.   I don’t believe one reason is better than another.  It is what it is.  However, I do believe that many students are not clear about what they want from their martial arts training and even worse may not have communicated this clearly to their Instructor.  I think it’s a vital first step in one’s martial arts journey.

Why Martial Arts …

Self-Defense:  These students aren’t necessarily focusing on the negative or being paranoid, they simply feel the need for this basic skill. A Parent will enroll their child to equip them with dealing with bullies at school.  Or might see signs of “the bully” appearing in their child’s behavior and wish to have this energy channeled in a healthy way.

Fitness:  Many students are bored to tears by gym workouts and enjoy the variety and fun of a Martial Arts Fitness class.  They like becoming, stronger, leaner, toned and fitter than ever before.  Their flexibility increases and as an added bonus they have learnt self-defense. 

Grading:  These students are fascinated by the journey to Black Belt and beyond. They love the idea of having a clear long-term goal which is broken down into manageable smaller goals (each belt level).  They enjoy learning about Martial Arts, its origins and language and enjoy the challenge of the different levels of physical fitness, techniques; mental, emotional and physical breakthroughs that each belt level brings.  Parents see this as an opportunity to teach their children how to set and reach goals, and to develop character traits such as Respect, Integrity, Confidence, Focus, Discipline and the ability to stick to ones commitments.

Competitive Martial Arts:   Some enjoy the idea of Demonstrating their skill in either forms/patterns and/or contact sparring.  They are fascinated by the application of their art in real-life scenario’s and testing their skill and technique against another equally matched opponent.  They enjoy the rigorous training, the travel and the ability to present their Dojang at local events and re-presenting their art and country at international events.

Martial Arts as a Way of Life: Then there are those that realize that there are also deeper aspects of Martial such as its ideals, principles and philosophy. One such example would be the tenants of a Taekwon-Do … Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-Control and Indomitable Spirit. They see Martial Arts in its entirety – Body, Mind & Spirit. They love the idea of a strong, fast, fit and flexible body. A strong, clear, focused mind. To think clearly and make rapid decisions. A strong, balanced and principled character which in turn allows them to build a successful and happy life.

I’d love to hear your comments – “Why do you do Martial Arts?”